etc..) when it gets wrapped from Cake DeFi? What does it mean? Where is the actual coin stored?
Hi Francesco! It becomes a token for use inside the defichain ecosystem, backed 1-1 with the real coin. The real coin is kept in Cake, which acts as a custodian. Once you wish to withdraw from Defichain, you simply semd to Cake in order to unwrap and retrieve your real token. Until the atomic swap in defichain is up again, as well as the ERC-20 / BSC, Cake keeps being the custodian.
is this still true , as for all BTC on 38pZuWUti3vSQuvuFYs8Lwbyje8cmaGhrT. I am wondering how DEX changes between DFI <-> dBTC are handled do they count towards this amount or not?
Swaps on the Dex do not affect the collateral on the "real" BTC address.
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