212 похожих чатов

@DrTodd Keplr wallet is required by Osmosis or is there

any other way to add crypto on Osmosis?

8 ответов

16 просмотров

Kepler is the main interface and can use Ledger through kepler. I also think Citadel.one has a built in app. I dont think you can cosmostation, but could absolutely be wrong.

Mark-Evans Автор вопроса
Dr Todd
Kepler is the main interface and can use Ledger th...

Can I use trust wallet to directly send dVPN tokens to Exidio app?!

Mark-Evans Автор вопроса
Mark Evans
Can I use trust wallet to directly send dVPN token...

Is DVPN token based on binance or ethereum?

Mark Evans

Neither. DVPN is on its own native chain, utilizing Cosmos SDK/tendermint

Mark-Evans Автор вопроса
Dr Todd
Nope. Its on Cosmos.

Then trust wallet won't work right?

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