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Is it just me or do any other DTM owners

feel purposefully misinformed and kinda slighted right now? I’m active on Twitter, but not here in TG. Suddenly The well advertised 5000,000 monthly DAG rewards are suddenly and apparently cut down by 90%, so that I am earning 71 DAG daily versus what I had assumed to be 651 DAG daily. Why am I just now discovering after having invested $5,000 (a 586 day return on investment) that NFT rewards are 10% of advertised? And for all of you who say boohoo why are you complaining about free DAG, I’m not. I’m complaining about purposefully misleading advertising

11 ответов

5 просмотров

Just you

You misunderstood. The 5M DAG reward pool begins once DTMs are successfully installed

Let me add another piece. If you were part of the batch 01 DTM purchasers, realize that they will get the DTMs first. And start collecting from the 5 million DAG reward pool. There were 313 NFTs minted for batch 01. That would be almost 16k DAG per month for each DTM to start. Also, this would be in the December - January timeframe...months after mainnet launches...this isnt the price / trader channel, but you know where I am heading with that....

DrDAGChad-Dupont Автор вопроса

The upside of owning a DTM from the first batch is incredibly lucrative. Yes your $5,000 could have bought $DAG, but that’s it. It by itself doesn’t intriniscally generate more DAG Instead you bought a $DAG printer which pays out small rewards of $DAG daily until the DTM ships. When it does in Q4, you will be earning almost 16k DAG - JUST FOR THE 1ST MONTH That doesn’t even include bounties That’s more than an immediate ROI for the first month, and after that it is just printing $DAG You are essentially profitable from month1 DTM is the best value in Constellation at the moment. It’s a mini node and the earlier anyone buys in, the better.

The upside of owning a DTM from the first batch is...

is thier a cash option to purchase the Dor DTM i only see pay with Dag

The upside of owning a DTM from the first batch is...

any sort of info you have to prove that the Dor DTM can generate that muchDAG per mouth any metrics etc...

The upside of owning a DTM from the first batch is...

To get 16k DAG a month currently you’d need 8 DAG nodes in soft node staking at 11.1%. I am curious to how you came up with this. Sounds too good to be true is all.

hgtp://WenSoon.dag 👾 Jenkins
16k DAG earned a month from DTM? How so ?

For the first month when device is received For the first batch of DTM owners And that doesn’t include bounties 🤩

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