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Hi guys, which coins one can pay off a loan

? Let’s say I mint appl with dusd as collateral. Can I pay off the loan using dfi or only dusd or appl?

1 ответов

10 просмотров

dToken loans must be paid back with the dToken. So if you take a loan for dAAPL, you need to payback dAAPL (+interest) dUSD loans on the other hand can be repaid with DFI as per the the last update as a way to control dUSD pricing. There is also a new proposal underway to similarly try and control dToken premium which you may be interested in keeping an eye on. This will affect what can be used to pay off dToken loans if it passes. You can read/listen to it in this Twitter Space podcast. https://t.me/defiblockchain/170150

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