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I have a question - to those with technical aptitude;

on a scale of 1 to 5…how well would you say binance integrated with our blockchain?

6 ответов

11 просмотров
hank-nomo Автор вопроса

(5 being best)

As withdrawal is not open yet, i cant judge that, but just the fact they implemented all chains for deposit is a 2.5 for me to start with

hank-nomo Автор вопроса
As withdrawal is not open yet, i cant judge that, ...

why does how they conduct withdrawal matter?

hank nomo
why does how they conduct withdrawal matter?

Fees, only certain chains, withdrawal time (which is usually good)

hank nomo
(5 being best)

4 because crosschain works not 5 because no withdrawal yet

hank-nomo Автор вопроса

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