212 похожих чатов

Lol found it. @UdalaSweet perfectly called the bottom last bull

run. Does history repeat itself?

1 ответов

13 просмотров

How about you post the whole discussion rather than some one comment I made after chatting about the effect of front run bot on our lp. That was what lead to that comment. And I probably still own far more sent that you can even imagine, so not sure what angle you going for. Then again, I made a comment about sentinel devs voting about 4hrs ago to keep Juno centralized under one nefarious characters, and trying to see if I can get one if the main devs to give a reasoning for that bs. You ignored all that and posting comment from about a yr ago when u weren't even tagged. Anyway, like I said been there, don't that. Just find it funny that after all this months to a yr if me been absent, u still here on the same bs since I known you.

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