210 похожих чатов

Hi, I switched from DFI-dUSD into dBABA-dUSD. Despite the almost

double APR (168% / 85%) and the same value locked my rewards are 40% less than before… Can someone please explain how that’s possible?

8 ответов

6 просмотров

From what duration or snapshot are you calculating your rewards from? That would matter as well. Also take into consideration the total apr is actually block reward 65.5% (DFI) + commission 97.7% (dBABA and DUSD). You have to count it all. If you just look at your DFI balance, it’s actually still lower than Dusd-DFI, because that pool’s block rewards are about 80%

Alex- Автор вопроса
Zachary Chan
screenshot From what duration or snapshot are you calculating...

Thx for your info. Makes it a bit clearer… My snapshot was 24 hours and I was looking only at DFI. Will the commission be paid out in BABA or dUSD?

Blockrewards are paid in DFI. Commission is paid in component coins. You can see this breakdown on defiscan like the screenshots I showed you. APRs are a combination of both. https://defiscan.live/dex

Alex- Автор вопроса
What are now ‚component coins‘??

The two coins that make up the lm pair.

Alex- Автор вопроса

Ok. That means I should have received BABA & DUSD as the majority (~100%) of the APR…

Ok. That means I should have received BABA & DUSD ...

In short yes. But please note all APRs dynamically change. If you scroll up, there was also a discussion about dBABA APRs and there was some big movement in the past 24 hours. Just because the current commission is shown as 100%, doesn’t mean you get 100% 5 hours ago or 5 hours later, or when you first joined the pool. Commissions on LM pools, also called swap fees and paid to liquidity providers based on transaction activity of those tokens on the DEX.

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