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@Jestagram I see that developement and documentation is estimated at

6 months for wallet+. Does it mean that you will deliver most of the wallet+ propositions this year ? That would be awsome.

5 ответов

16 просмотров

That’s the estimation for one of the proposals. The video shared recently was talking about one proposal, for SDKs. Each additional proposal in the paper (there were like a dozen) has its own timeline. If you were to add them all up, it’d be years of work.

Musozi- Автор вопроса
Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
That’s the estimation for one of the proposals. Th...

Which one is the most important to do first according to you ? The SDKs part presented in that video ?

Which one is the most important to do first accord...

IMHO, yeah. Followed very closely by the app registry and a couple of the smaller ones like request for permission.

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