209 похожих чатов

Trying to figure out how do you really know which

delegator gives you better apr. Any clue? I understand binancevote is the biggest #1 but somehow the apr value is missing.. please advice thx

4 ответов

12 просмотров

Staking Rewards calculated base on VOTE more VOTE more rewards. VOTE vary with 1. Amount 2. Duration That means longer duration get higher rewards. But 91 days and 1050 days APY only 1-3% different However the same VOTE can get different rewards base on Delegate.1.See these guides to compare delegates' reward plans and contributions i. https://iotex.smartstake.io and ii. https://member.iotex.io 2. See this for details about APY; https://onboard.iotex.io/hardware/staking-voting

alucard2k8- Автор вопроса
Staking Rewards calculated base on VOTE more VOTE ...

thanks for this, but after reading it a few times, sort of understand but not unable to find my answer. So if lets say, i want to stake 14 days (from the voters handbook thats probably the steepest point in the chart), who should i be staking with and what apy would i expect? Whats optimal? Should i go by rank first? apy displayed? or rewards distribution percentage? How am i able to calculate whats optimal for me? thx

thanks for this, but after reading it a few times,...

The moderators can only guide you on how best to maximize your returns Mostly pointed out by @miaa2023 and @ify_0 👉Your amount 👉Duration 👉Best to go for delegates that has telegram channels, where you can report to if anything arises 👉Also consider delegates under Hermes to track your Rewards easily And lastly the APY Note (avoid CEX exchanges as they don't give rewards on Iopay) See these guides to compare delegates' reward plans and contributions i. https://iotex.smartstake.io and ii. https://member.iotex.io

alucard2k8- Автор вопроса

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