209 похожих чатов

You know how much market Cap we Need for 0,01

? 😁

9 ответов

10 просмотров

exactly. If you are asking when then 🔮 👀

G.-D. Автор вопроса
Luis 幸运🌱
exactly. If you are asking when then 🔮 👀

I will have 500 Million $ if the price rises up to 0,01. Thats Not possible

G. D.
I will have 500 Million $ if the price rises up to...

I bet you won’t wait till that lol You’ll sell probably most of your bag before we get to that point

G.-D. Автор вопроса
G.-D. Автор вопроса

For what 😁

G. D.
For what 😁

You can use it to start foundation and help those in need

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