209 похожих чатов

Any update on MTL, OMI utility from the team ?

6 ответов

7 просмотров

No this year's news. It's being opened to more and more users for testing as the weeks roll out '

√π- Автор вопроса
Chase AmaZix
No this year's news. It's being opened to more and...

Ha ha , I don't find a single user stating that they were able to cash out neither on Twitter nor on telegram.

Ha ha , I don't find a single user stating that th...

Generally there's NDA in testing phases. Keep calm, it being worked on

√π- Автор вопроса
Chase AmaZix
Generally there's NDA in testing phases. Keep calm...

Chill mate, nothing on you side. What ever I said is with ecomi team. Nothing personally between us .

Chill mate, nothing on you side. What ever I said ...

I represent the Ecomi team and I'm chilled 😁😁

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