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Am i right that Constellation is currently the only crypto

project where the network gets faster the more it is used? 🤔

3 ответов

5 просмотров

This is generally how Directed Acyclic Graphs work. More network participation = quicker transaction confirmations and higher bandwidth

Imagine if the Dapps on hedera network were their own independent hedera networks that could all have their own consensus logic and which can then converge together into a network of hedera networks..then all the nodes dynamically balance the load in response to the needs of each network automatically and don't depend on delegated proof of stake for security but rather they are conducting consensus of each other and storing the reputation history of each node into the ledger itself to determine trustworthiness and identify malicious behavior reactively. So rather than it being a directed acyclic graph it's actually a Directed Acyclic Hypergraph with unique consensus that can validate any data including the states of other block chain network ledgers

Imagine if the Dapps on hedera network were their ...

Seth, You're becoming readable😱! What's happening?

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