210 похожих чатов

817k for marketing and design? Sounds funny. Did anyone see

a marketing which worth that much? Or a design? No web site (we still dont have a strong face of eos, google eos see what you find, its still a huge mess for someone tries to find/understand what is eos and all other structures) no animated videos (even stingy Dan made nice videos for fractally, again hope we didnt fund him to this whitepaper) no marketing, no youtubers etc. Hope we are not paying that amount for Rants. Instead of spending this for an agency without having a solid work (i think the agency is really lucky or a friend of someone) spend this money to devs who wants to build something but cant reach pomelo because of public good difficulty (we should consider some private usages/needs) or to an influencer or to @TheRealTrimBot
Even i see the work, even i appreciate what enf is doing, even i respect them (daniel keys, yves, aaron, zack) still one of my part is questioning are we still in a scam? Could it be more transparent? I really wonder where that budget went to. Hope evm will come up with a web site as they said before. A fascinating one! We need a professional business model to gain trust, momentum and a price strategy. Still sucks.

1 ответов

12 просмотров

You are jumping the gun slightly here, the funds will be used you will see a new website and a huge amount of marketing is coming don’t worry, grants will be available outside of Pomelo also, ENF are totally transparent read the Q1 report and you will be totally amazed

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