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How can I sign up on terra station with a


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Peter Martin

Setting up a Ledger hardware wallet Do yourself a favor and get a Ledger hardware wallet. It's the best thing you can do for your personal crypto security. It'll work with generally any coin/chain you'd want to have, and connects to your favorite extensions (Terra Station, xDEFI, Leap, Metamask, etc). Order it directly from ledger.com, not from any third party sites. 🔷 The most important part of using your Ledger properly is generating your 24 word seed phrase/mnemonic offline (on the Ledger's screen) and writing that seed phrase down on paper or metal and securing this somewhere safe (preferably fireproof/waterproof/bulletproof/madarchodproof). 🔹 You will be tempted to want to connect your Ledger to your existing wallets by reusing old seed phrases onto your Ledger. DO NOT DO THIS. You are compromising your own security. You are only truly safe by ensuring your Ledger's seed phrase never touches anything electronic / online. 🔹 Once you've created your Ledger seed phrase AND secured it properly, plug your Ledger in and connect it to your chosen blockchain wallet/extension to generate your new address(es). Copy one of the addresses down somewhere. 🔹 Then, WIPE your Ledger completely back to factory settings once again (follow Ledger's provided instructions on how to do this). Now, restore your Ledger using the seed phrase you recorded, and plug it back into the extension/wallet provider. Compare addresses to the prior step. If the address is the same as what you generated initially, you're good to go and can proceed. If it is NOT, you messed up somewhere either in the restoration of the wallet with the seed, or copying the seed down correctly in the first place. Repeat prior steps until you've got everything locked down and have successfully restored. NOTE: This step is applicable to ANY crypto wallet. Do this whenever you create a new wallet BEFORE you start using it. 🔹 Once you're now comfortable, send all of your assets one by one to your new Ledger-generated addresses. Again, this is the only truly safe way to ensure your assets are protected (i.e. not reusing old seed phrases). 🔹 If you think you screwed up your seed phrase words at any point, compare against this list to ensure all of your recorded words are on it: bip-39 standard 🔹 From now on, you never need to enter your seed phrase in to any wallet anywhere EVER. If a wallet is asking you to do this, DON'T. That means something is compromised / wrong, and you should stop what you are doing and ask for help.

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