209 похожих чатов

My fleet does not appear, it shows just purchase ship,

but I already have some ships.
Has finished the staking of ships? should be there on inventary? Or it's just netwerok problems?

8 ответов

5 просмотров

+ Same

Aer- Автор вопроса
+ Same

lot of scammers bro, so hatefull telegram 😆 it's just the conection but worse than ever. finally appear my fleat, and dissapear again 😆

No, it may be due to network problems. You can see your ships in the step. Please clear your browser history and try again

lot of scammers bro, so hatefull telegram 😆 it's j...

the scammers have already written to me in person...🤦‍♂️ someday they will be deceived too - maybe they will understand something then..

Aer- Автор вопроса
the scammers have already written to me in person....

I always talk about their mothers, you can see when it's human that get angry xd

I always talk about their mothers, you can see whe...

apparently they had appropriate mothers, if they grow up like that.

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