210 похожих чатов

This has nothing to do with a hardfork. Let me

clarify. The Kadena team has opensourced example code a while ago. This example was a dex, it was an example how to implement a dex on Kadena using pact, they released it as kadenaswap. Kaddex was started at some point, and they are using this code in v1, anedak was based on this exact code. Anedak is running for more then a year, there are trades being made everyday, hype listed on kaddex v1 last week+_ Yes V2 is being audited. But what about all the trades on v1? Should we make the assumption that listing on v1 was an insecure choice? And anedak was unsafe for a year. Don’t get me wrong we are pro audits 👏 but if the statement is no this foundation code was so unsafe, it should not have been adopted by anybody :) nor should project have been listed on versions based upon.

3 ответов

14 просмотров

In order words, Kdswap has no plan to write extra codes that need to be audited

Alfonso, the L is silent- Автор вопроса
In order words, Kdswap has no plan to write extra ...

you seem to not want to understand, which is fine. The statement is there, anyone can see it and take their own conclusions 👍

Alfonso, the L is silent
you seem to not want to understand, which is fine....

Don't worry no one is taking their comments seriously

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