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Hi I want to ask. If lets say I add

liquidity pool for dTSLA/dUSD right now approx at $950 dtsla token price now at light wallet.

I just did calculations on my potential loss arising from impermanent loss by using the impermanent loss calculator, I assume tesla to be x10 in 8 years time by 2030 and it reaches $9,500, the impermanent loss result I get is 42.50%.

Is this means if I invested $100k into this pair, i will lost $42.5k in the value of dTSLA if dTSLA reach $9,500?

But im compensated by the yield of 77.53% APR annually?

1 ответов

1 просмотр

ooh well you're looking too far into the future with those rates since the apr's are not going to be anywhere near this high for that long. I would assume that dTSLA would fall to around 30% apr in a year. So your entire model will not work

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