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I have a question. When it cost $180 to mint NFLX

token ,but I can buy on the dex neflx token for $171 . Is there a way to take advantage of the price difference?
I don't have any loans in the vault.

2 ответов

9 просмотров

the only advantage is to NOT mint the tokens but trade for them and not have loan interest and vault risk but if the discount is less than 5% plus what dUSD is under a dollar so you can do a futures swap to trade your NFLX up and get dUSD back at a profit. But if dUSD is trading 6% less than a dollar that means you need to see NFLX trading at 12% under oracle I do believe just to make a 1% gain, if I am thinking correctly

D-S Автор вопроса
DcShel Shelton
the only advantage is to NOT mint the tokens but t...

It is not good that the dex not reflect the real value in the case of NFLX on the stock exchange.

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