structure that could pose a potential risk to the defichain system. I hope this is passed onto the devs/community. I will also share with some on twitter.
What prevent us from making payback loans of minted dusd only in dusd (remove the dfi option) ?
That's the default payback method. The only time we pay back with DFI is when it's over $1.01
I see too many holes in it. Firstly where are they going to trade for 100million in DFI? Not enough people willing to release their DFI that easily on a CEX, otherwise not enough liquidity for a quick mass attack like that. Swapping for that much DFI in a pool be costly in slippage, the Oracle takes an hour to update and that gives pools time to be arbitraged into rebalance to a more normal price, then if they take out dUSD loans and repay with DFi it's at 99% rate losing more money plus they can only borrow max 66% of value in dUSD to pay off with and they would gain no new DFI to collateralize because DFI burn doesn't effect markets very fast, takes days a weeks, so it would seem to be a spiraling loss to the so called attacker for no possible gain. Due to all same problems this could not be scaled up for even more either. Value of DFI would not rise fast enough on DEX and pools rebalancing would happen. So many things working against such an attacker with very high possibility of them losing so much percentage on swaps.
How much can you trade on DEX before too high slippage?
DUSD as hybrid algorithmic + crypto-backed stablecoin -
Depends on the token
This was introduced to „solve“ the DUSD not being pegged to USD problem.
Slippage is not depending on the amount. Probably you mean the price impact. You can easily calculate it yourself, but the price shown in the wallet is already including it. (e.g. you see the price changing if you change the amount 10, 100, 1000, ... token)
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