and shaping up:
We've held two town hall meetings so far, both averaging about 20 participants. The participation was very good, with community members stepping forward with great ideas and volunteering to help shape the program. Both meetings were reposted on the SNET Youtube channel, and the recording links are below. There will be two separate other meetings besides the town hall for work groups. As a result of the second meeting, there are a couple of tasks available.
Three blogs have been selected for translation into 5 languages: Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, and French.
A task to produce video shorts out of our recently shared pod leader meeting update video is open to submissions as well.
Finally, two workgroups are being formed - one for a community-created podcast, and one for incubation of the ambassador program itself.
The Community Podcast workgroup will have a kick-off meeting Friday, May 20th, at 18UTC, here on the SNET Discord server,
If you are interested in helping out creating this podcast, make sure to reach out or post here.
The workgroup for incubating the ambassador program (building the project structure and tooling etc.) will have its kick-off meeting on Monday 23th, 18UTC, also on Discord.
The system for claiming tasks is currently still being built. For now, you can DM me if you have made the shorts or want to help with the translating tasks. If you want to start your own workgroup please reach out as well.
For full details, you can see the second meeting slides, recording, and notes. You can find the recordings on this playlist: (they include slides and notes in the video descriptions).
To summarize the upcoming meetings:
Friday 20 May - 18UTC - Community Podcast Kick-off
Monday 23 May - 18UTC - Ambassador Program Incubation work group
Tuesday 24 May - 18UTC - Ambassador Townhall #3
Hope to see you soon!
great project
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