210 похожих чатов

Is it me or do things seem quiet on the

DAG front? The last DOR gathering indicated lots to come / be announced in the next month or so and I haven't heard anything about bounties/companies looking for data. JennyCo HH that got canceled and not rescheduled before seed/P1/P2. Technical issue with JAM/Stargazer integration that could not be figured out before staking window ends. Some minor issues with Lattice working properly for staking with DODI/LTX recently (Lattice support was great and worked with me to troubleshoot and get things corrected). Just hope they are gearing up for 2.0 and not anything else. Just gun-shy and excited. And I say this with one node (close to 2), DTM, JAM node, etc..I'm all in on this ecosystem...Let me know what you think...

9 ответов

15 просмотров

JAM node? 🤔

Lots of things going on in the background. Testnet, Flight program, DOD stuff, and then there are other tokens in the ecosystem that are announcing partners

Tmwsiy17- Автор вопроса
Jordi Martínez
JAM node? 🤔

Content Operator/Staking/Node...https://app.geojam.com/staking/jam

Quiet on the front is no big deal. It's the backend that matters right now.

Unfortunately company wasn't made to make feel better about your investment, thats your job, if u trust in company buy more if you nolonger trust sell its that simple ,... good luck in your decision..

Tmwsiy17- Автор вопроса
Threat_ X
Unfortunately company wasn't made to make feel bet...

Wait, Constellation isn't here to make me feel better? Ha, thanks for stating the obvious. I don't need luck. I've done my research, am extremely confident in my ecosystem acquisitions, node (soon to be nodes), DTM, etc. But this is a company that communicates really well, so when something they say during some chats/hypergraph hours end up not happening in the approximated timeframes, was just commenting on that. Maybe I need to take another listen and maybe I'm wrong. Also pointed out a few of the blips along the way that I've noticed. Nothing major, but a few minor things that I hope they clean up before things take off. We're not going to turn into a Maxi group where can't honestly comment and even criticize, are we? How will they improve? In working with Lattice Support, we troubleshot together on the DODI/ADS staking issues, really cool. Also commented on how DAG tokens sometimes don't show up on Stargazer. They were aware/acknowledged. But hopefully there aren't issues with future staking events (i.e. recall recent ADS staking and they had to extend enrollment window). Believe me, I want this and the Flight programs to succeed and can't wait to see this take off. It's super cool to be in on this amazing tech and watch the Constellation team in action. Top notch, obviously. Amazing community as well... Signing off...The Balkhash Smutyan...

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