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12 просмотров

impossible hes dead!

Saiyan- Автор вопроса
impossible hes dead!

Uploaded his consciousness into every blockchain, never dead sir

Imagine it breaks down and BSV breaks up

Imagine it breaks down and BSV breaks up

BSV has had many days now in the top 10 performing coins on both Coinmarketcap and Coingecko. Showing some relative strength, which is pretty rare except before its few major moves. Still no real volume indicators when checking out fiatleak but definitely a change from the recent freefall drop.

BSV has had many days now in the top 10 performing...

the TAAL lies, CSW lies, builders now hedging with doge and bsc doesn't make you think "hmm maybe everyone is right and BSV is a total shitcoin destined for nothing"?

Saiyan- Автор вопроса

Given the info and relative strength just seemed like it was ready to move some.

^^^^^ seems accurate and playing out now

Nothing that hasn't played out before.

Nothing that hasn't played out before.

True but relative strength (been #1 or #2 performer for 24 hours on coinmarketcap and top 10 for 7 days is pretty good.

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