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Im really curious how dabbaflow and colearn will interact as

they on first sight oppose each other a bit or? Colearn is all about federated learning where the data never leaves anybodys premises. dabbaflow on the other hand is a tool for encrypted data sharing, so here data does leave the owners hands. I can imagine there will be certain data a company cant share like customer data.. for this the federated learning solution suits well... Other data can be shared and needs to be done securely.. for this dabbaflow comes into play... So basically dabbaflow and colearn complement each other right?

4 ответов

14 просмотров

Person A has data. Person B has need for data. B requests access into encrypted/annonymized data. A grants access and gets paid. B gets access to data.

Phil- Автор вопроса
Niko | I will never DM/PM you first!
Person A has data. Person B has need for data. B r...

yeah sure thats dabbaflow but colearn is not really about data sharing or?

yeah sure thats dabbaflow but colearn is not reall...

CoLearn either builds ontop of this or exists as a standalone.

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