209 похожих чатов

This is looking like a dead project. Ben was handed

over $30M, then another billion tokens, then another $25M. Where are the results? We were promised so much with the Phase II vote and none of it has come true except the converter, which took over a year to complete Where is the AGIX air drop? Where is the financial report with 1 week left before July? The progress seems slower than ever even though Ben gets whatever he asks for. When will people finally look at reality and say "Ben Goertzel is not an effective CEO and needs to step down?" What will it take, another 5 years of horrible results?

7 ответов

12 просмотров

dont tell me theres another airdrop pending..?

You realize this is a 10 yr project?

Chipz R
You realize this is a 10 yr project?

10 years lol? That's like 100 years in crypto buddy. No one's got time for that.

Eric-Embry Автор вопроса
Chipz R
You realize this is a 10 yr project?

That's great since it will take this team ten years to remove dead partnerships.

Chipz R
You realize this is a 10 yr project?

It wasn't sold as a 10 year project during ICO but 5.

singNet Coin
wasnt that 2017?

Yup. The original whitepaper said the coin will be fully decentralized by the 5th year.

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