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I suppose reality doesn't matter much to you. If

Ben is so brilliant why did he spend most of the money during a bear market and then have to campaign to double the supply? Reality doesn't say Ben is a genius. Reality says he has been an abject failure.

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11 просмотров

Certainly a failure in the management of the treasury. Ben admitted this gross failure some 2-3 years ago as the previous bear market was at the bottom. They did not have someone like a CFO controlling the risk of funds. Needless to say, the funds from the ICO were predominately held in ETH and NOT cashed into fiat after the ICO. I pointed out this was gross negligence in the handling of risk management. They effectively gambled on a “currency” rather than ensure they had all funds raised in the ICO in fiat. From a top of $1800last cycle to a bottom of $90 for Eth. We eventually sold most of it in the bottom range if I remember correctly. Many alts will suffer the same fate this cycle that hold all their reserves in tokens.

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