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3 ответов

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Lite node information hasn't been released yet. But will be a possibility. I would assume a lite node would reward less due to many different reasons. A full node is highly recommended to run on a VPS from places like AWS or Digital Ocean. Due to needing to ensure you have the best uptime for your node. You can run a node on your own hardware and bandwidth if you want to. But I personally wouldn't trust the uptime of my home internet over a VPS on a good network.

S-G Автор вопроса
Proph151Music (I'll Never DM 1st)
Lite node information hasn't been released yet. B...

Running a node will be eventually equivalent to running a mining farm From a business perspective Meaning You can buy high end equipment Lease space Etc And still be profitable

Running a node will be eventually equivalent to ru...

Technically it's going to be much better in my opinion. Since 4 nodes could potentially run on the wattage of a lightbulb and we wouldn't need high end equipment to do it nor lease any space. 😏

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