209 похожих чатов

For instance: stake 500 iotx for 90 days, the duration

ends, but it still reads 500 iotx. I go through the unstaking process, which says 500 iotx is being unstaked, but I have no idea how much the total amount will be (500 plus what?).

23 ответов

15 просмотров


What Im experienced when i start stake lock off my reward direct added to my current balance while waiting my stake lock goes to zero.

Go to that link, have a look through delegates whats is the payout. It will tell you approximately at what amount you will get at how many days. Of they have hermes, you will get your stake added daily in some cases.

Chad- Автор вопроса
Not what I am seeing

Because your staking right now is expired all you have to do is to initiate withdraw

Not what I am seeing


Chad- Автор вопроса
JD(not DM 1st)
Because your staking right now is expired all you ...

I initiated the unstake, no changes in balance

I initiated the unstake, no changes in balance

if you just click right now the unstake then wait another 3 days then last move is Withdraw

Chad- Автор вопроса
JD(not DM 1st)
if you just click right now the unstake then wait ...

I understand that and it’s in the works, is there a way to see the bucket balance?

Chad- Автор вопроса
Only gives an estimate, not actual balances

Stak lock period which is countdown- u Wil get reward Unstaking period after countdown (3)- no reward

Only gives an estimate, not actual balances

In short in unstaking process your bucket still the same.

Chad- Автор вопроса
Chad- Автор вопроса
JD(not DM 1st)
In short in unstaking process your bucket still th...

But where do I see the balance of the bucket? I’m not sure I am being understood Even in that last video clip it only shows the staked amount returned to the wallet balance, no rewards from the withdrawn stake

Only gives an estimate, not actual balances

It is only estimates, because it fluctuates, depending if your delegate is selected for an epoch. 2 out of 3 are selected. Or 24 from 36. Hence you get few tokens difference

But where do I see the balance of the bucket? I’m ...

okay you dont see reward since the beginning?

Only gives an estimate, not actual balances

My fluctuates, some days i get Xxx iotex some days i get a bit more, some days a bit less. So its here and there in the range.

But where do I see the balance of the bucket? I’m ...

if you click compounding the reward will put in one bucket that you set the compounding.

Chad- Автор вопроса
JD(not DM 1st)
okay you dont see reward since the beginning?

Nothing reflected in wallet or the staked balance

Chad- Автор вопроса

Only one of the stakes

Only one of the stakes

when you turn compound ON, all staking rewards including those from other buckets will be restaked into the selected bucket. Burndrop will go to qualified buckets

Chad- Автор вопроса
Anwar (No DMs)
when you turn compound ON, all staking rewards inc...

Ok, that’s fine, basically each address has one bucket regardless of number of stakes… that stake isn’t reflecting a balance change either, so… is there a way to see the bucket balance accurately, real time?

Ok, that’s fine, basically each address has one bu...

if you wanna see the total, the interface in iopay should be enough. If you wanna see the log of iotx being moved into the bucket, you can use this link https://iotexscan.io/bucket/XXXXX but replace the XXXXX with your bucket number

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