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Has anyone given much thought / discussion to the node

onboarding timing? My understanding is that there are approximately 100 nodes running now. I'd imagine they'd get first crack at new state channels/2.0. In addition, there are over 5,000 soft nodes staked. Looks like Alkimi, Geogam, Double Dice and maybe a few others will be ready to launch fairly quickly, but it sounds like it is unknown how many nodes each channel will need so they will slowly onboard and add as needed. It seems like it could be a really long time (months/years?) to fully onboard/need all of these nodes. Obviously will depend on amount of adoption and bandwith needs of each channel. I guess my question is, are people prepared to wait months, years to get officially onboarded or will there be great disappointment? I do believe they will continue offering soft nodes and rewards but do not know if / when that will be removed. If I am completely wrong/off-base I apologize and would appreciate some clarification. Thanks all, happy Friday!

3 ответов

15 просмотров

Soft nodes will continue during the rollout. I believe Dagnum has said indefinitely, but I don't know anymore on that.

Dagnum PI - will never DM first or ask you for money
The "soft nodes"

I wonder if instead "soft nodes"...the team could put better use to that staked DAG and combine them into co-nodes instead so they actually provide some utility 🤔🤔🤔

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