209 похожих чатов

When distribution of msand for snoop dog event ?

7 ответов

7 просмотров

Hello, the rewards for 4 weeks have been distributed already. Please make sure to check rewards under the correct network (polygon).

Hello, the rewards for 4 weeks have been distribut...

When distribution 1 million sand for land holder polygon ?

When distribution 1 million sand for land holder p...

1M $SAND rewarded to migrated LAND owners Take a look at the land owner roadmap https://twitter.com/thesandboxgame/status/1525170608484630529?s=21

Rice Amah
Please have you french groups?

Hi! You can join French group here: https://t.me/sandboxgamefrance

I have a land but how do I claim airdrop?

Classic Boss
I have a land but how do I claim airdrop?

Anyone who had LAND before the snapshot was taken on the 13th May 2022, at 00:00:05 UTC was eligible for the airdrop. Also, you can follow the steps below to claim the airdrop. 1) Go to the Reward Claims page. 2) There will be a banner titled "LAND Owners Claim". Press the "Check Your Claim" button on it. The amount you are eligible for has been automatically calculated based on the previous snapshot and will be highlighted. 3) Click the "Start Claim Process" button. 4) Your wallet will pop up, asking you to check and confirm the transaction. Hope this helps.

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