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Do remember that as defichain is decentralised. Most of all these tools we have today are community developed, so there might still be gaps in design or implementation. Good thing is that improvements are underway and there are more tools coming specifically for trading. The other thing to note is that because all of these are community developed projects, when they appear and how useful they end up being will really depend on the effort put in. If you look at the last round of CFP voting. There is one proposal by the developer of defichain analytics to improve it. https://github.com/DeFiCh/dfips/issues/171 And there is also another project specifically for dstock trading that may have those features you’re looking for. https://github.com/DeFiCh/dfips/issues/179 There’s also another dashboard tool in the making. https://github.com/DeFiCh/dfips/issues/175

Ludo- Автор вопроса
Zachary Chan
Do remember that as defichain is decentralised. Mo...

Very interesting dfips, thanks for sharing! This community is amazing, I hope this project will become a household name of defi

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