210 похожих чатов

Can someone explain me how to swap 50% of my

minted DUSD to DUSDC? It shows me an error code 3 because of the slippage tolerance. But even if i set it to 20% i get an error. What can i do

2 ответов

4 просмотра

Hi! The current fee for the burning of the algo DUSD is near 30%, so any value below this will not work. Make sure you set a slippage higher than this, or if the current fee is excessive for you, consider trading in the dstocks for a while until it can drop. In August the new hardfork will bring the remaining community voted measures to bring the fee down, maybe by then the fee is better for you. In case the current fee is not meaningfull for you then as said, put a higher slippage, but consider that you will take a 30% haircut.

Sascha- Автор вопроса
DanieL BaptistA
Hi! The current fee for the burning of the algo DU...

Thanks for clearing this up for me, i forgot totally about the fee

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