209 похожих чатов

Hello, i'm trying to claim my SAND earning from stake

but it appears the error: "web3error: transaction rejected". I've tryed more times. Any help? (SCAMMERS DO NOT WRITE ME PVT!!!)

1 ответов

10 просмотров

Hi there! Please follow the steps mentioned below, it might help: 1) First of all, hard refresh (not a regular refresh) the webpage by pressing Ctrl+F5 on Windows or Shift+Command+R on Mac. 2) If you are using Brave, go to the browser's settings and make sure the default wallet is set to "none". 3) Make sure your wallet is unlocked (by logging into it) and on the correct network. For example, your wallet needs to be set to the Polygon network to access staking correctly. 4) If you are using a hardware wallet, make sure the Hardware Wallet option is set to "On" in your Chain Settings menu, found in your user profile's settings on The Sandbox website. 5) Check the status of the Polygon (https://polygon.io/system) and Infura (https://status.infura.io/) networks. If either are having issues, you'll need to wait a while.

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