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“You know this quotation, that that brings to mind: “The

greatest shortcoming of the human race is man’s inability to understand the exponential function”. So, all of these other chains think that they can defer the question of scalability, think that they can incrementally improve upon it – but I don’t think they get it, right. That infinite scalability is the only way to go, cause when you extend these games out along a sufficiently long time horizon and you have competition, there is just no substitute for infinite scalability.

We don’t know what our throughput requirements are going to be in 5 years, and so if you’re telling me, well we can do 400,000 tps, is that sufficient for global throughput of data? I don’t think so. I think in 5 years what we’re going to want is infinite, it’s what we want now. Infinite scalability. It’s really the only future proof standard that we can adopt.”

Brian O' Beirne Constellation Outpost 1h24m25s

2 ответов

9 просмотров

What am absolutely perfect quote

So accurate and relevant.

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