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Can see that some people are getting emotional when see

DFI price drop like mad. This also same for me at the beginning especially last year June 2022 where the bear market starts.

Many DEFI and lending platform like Celcius, Luna, and Voyage etc starting to collapse during that time and that also make me worry and thorough of whether Defichain will be ended up the same fate.

But I chose to stay because the amount I invested in defichain is quite huge and it's gonna be very painful for me to juz cut loss and withdraw from defichain.

And I also wonder, what I can do with the remaining money after I cut loss from defichain? Everywhere and everything is down right now, nothing much I can do unless I know how to short and trade market. So, I choose to stay.

Another thing that give me confidence to stay is I can see the commitment of defichain communities members here are really going to greath length to improve the ecosystem, even at such a super stress bear market, this is what I really can feel the community is really goal driven by providing solution / utility - creating a decentralised stock market exchange and also able to allow us to generate passive income for while holding our own key instead of just merely looking at DFI price alone.

Also the abolishment of Ticker council and introduction of voting in cake defi also are one of the measures to pushing defichain to be decentralised. These are the booster for me as well to believed in defichain that my decision I made in the last year to remain is correct.... And thank god I didn't invest my money in Celcius or Luna .....and I can stay that defichain saved my hard earned money.

And yes, now the price of DFI may be still at low point, but the price is just distraction.

I believe that with the right fundamental and bright people/community, DFI will recover soon as the bull market is near....

2 ответов

10 просмотров

Exactly why I’ve stayed too, and be part of the community. But I’ve always maintained that 1. Treat all investments as a loss. 2. Only use disposable funds. 3. Never put everything in one basket. Diversify your portfolio into various industries. Crypto, stocks/ETFs, REITs, etc. 4. DCA, DCA, DCA. And just forget about it. If you already have the mentality for step (1), then you’d let the process continue without worrying about short term volatility. 4. Bonus. I have a small sum that I use for actual stock day trading, just to keep me on my toes. And I can tell you that that sum over the past 1 year, hasn’t really moved much. There have been times I gained up to 50%, and times I loss up to 50%. Day trading is not as easy as people think. And it helps me understand my long term horizons.

❤️ this opinion. btc had a drawdown of just over 93% once. Ik that as a decentralized project, we all must trust and work together. to earn great rewards, you must overcome the challenges, and there are often great risks. this is what we have done, are doing, and will do.

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