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Может ли кто поделиться формой Джоб офера? По провинциальной номинации

хочу податься. Но работодатель пожилой не совсем понимает в какой форме и с какими реквизитами она должна быть.

3 ответов

5 просмотров

Вы провинцию назовите. Если что, то в разделе Иммиграция на провинциальных порталах есть информация и требования k job offer.


Вот здесь собраны все гайды для всех программ, смотрите требования там. Если вы идете по стриму Skills Immigration, то используйте этот гайд, в разделе 3.5 есть полные требования к джоб офферу. The job offer letter must show that the offered position is: • for an occupation that is eligible under the stream you selected; • for full-time employment; • signed and dated by a B.C. employee, or owner, of the company who is authorized to hire employees; • signed and dated by you confirming that you accept the job offer; • for a job in B.C.; and • indeterminate. В общем виде конструкция должна быть такая: - Employer Information: The employer's full name, address, and contact information should be included in the job offer. It should also be stated whether the employer is a registered and active employer in British Columbia. - Job Title and Description: The job title and a detailed job description should be provided, including the job duties, responsibilities, and requirements. The National Occupational Classification (NOC) code for the position should also be included. - Employment Details: The offer should specify the start date, the duration of employment, and whether the position is full-time or part-time. If the position is temporary or seasonal, the duration and end date should be clearly stated. - Salary and Benefits: The salary and any other benefits offered to the candidate should be specified. It's important to ensure that the salary offered is competitive with the prevailing wage for the occupation and location in BC. - Signatures: The job offer should be signed by the employer and the candidate, indicating that both parties have agreed to the terms of the offer.

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