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Ive been a long term investor in several coins/tokens and

planning to shift my bags to cardano. does cardano have liquidity pools (farms) or more defi in its ecosystem ? i have 0 info about cardano. if you have articles or can guide me through the several websites id be grateful. Thanks in advance.

3 ответов

10 просмотров

Hello, Yes cardano does have lots of liquidity pools across a number platforms. I'm not sure if there is a document that explains it all as cardano is a platform, the protocols building are individual companies. However, a few popular dexes (in no particular order): https://muesliswap.com/ https://www.wingriders.com/ https://minswap.org/ Also someone in the community created this, which contains a good amount of the known projects building or built on cardano https://www.cardanocube.io/cardano-ecosystem-interactive-map

Jacob-Moralea Автор вопроса


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