210 похожих чатов

Hello. I used to transfer Cardano in this way, but it's

not possible anymore. What can I do?
$endpoint = "v2/byron-wallets/{$this->wallet_id}/transactions";

$data_arr = [
"payments" => [
"address" => $to,
"amount" => [
"quantity" => (int)CoinManager::formatAmount($amount, self::DECIMAL),
"unit" => "lovelace"
"passphrase" => $this->passphrase

$tx_info = CoinManager::sendSimpleRequest($this->main_url . $endpoint, json_encode($data_arr));

6 ответов

20 просмотров
amir safavieh- Автор вопроса

I have the passphrase and wallet ID, which used to work, and I could transfer funds. However, now my node is down, and I can't move funds from this wallet anymore. What should I do?

amir safavieh- Автор вопроса
amir safavieh
I have the passphrase and wallet ID, which used to...

how i can convert my passphrase to private key in cardano wallet

Id recommand restoring your wallet in a litewallet like Typhon or Eternl. Or check #developer

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Fabian (Zyroxa) [TMS]
Id recommand restoring your wallet in a litewallet...

Typhon or Eternl won't help much with a Byron wallet. And even Yoroi cannot help without a seed phrase: https://t.me/Cardano/844109

amir safavieh
I have the passphrase and wallet ID, which used to...

Since you seem to not have stored the seed phrase (which you really should have done!): backup the wallet database of cardano-wallet (it's your only access to that wallet now!) and get that node and the cardano-wallet on top of it going again.

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