210 похожих чатов

Hello, I used to use this method for sending transactions on

the network:

$endpoint = "v2/byron-wallets/{$this->wallet_id}/transactions";

$data_arr = [
"payments" => [
"address" => $to,
"amount" => [
"quantity" => (int)CoinManager::formatAmount($amount, self::DECIMAL),
"unit" => "lovelace"
"passphrase" => $this->passphrase

$tx_info = CoinManager::sendSimpleRequest($this->main_url . $endpoint, json_encode($data_arr));

if (isset($tx_info["id"])) {
return $tx_info["id"];

However, it doesn't work with the new version, and I can't transfer my ada from my wallet. What should I do?

10 ответов

27 просмотров
amir safavieh- Автор вопроса

how to convert passphrase to private key in cardano?

What library have you used there? I recognise neither the endpoint format nor the CoinManager name.

amir safavieh
how to convert passphrase to private key in cardan...

If whatever you decided to use there respected the standard, it is specified in https://cips.cardano.org/cips/cip3/ and other documents linked from there.

amir safavieh- Автор вопроса
What library have you used there? I recognise neit...

rest request to this url https://base_url/v2/byron-wallets/{$this->wallet_id}/transactions

amir safavieh- Автор вопроса
If whatever you decided to use there respected the...

i have wallet Id , passphrase how i can transfer cardano?

amir safavieh
rest request to this url https://base_url/v2/byron...

Okay, that looks like https://cardano-foundation.github.io/cardano-wallet/api/edge/#tag/Byron-Wallets, but what is that CoinManager thing that builds the requests?

According to https://cardano-foundation.github.io/cardano-wallet/api/edge/#operation/postByronTransaction it should still work the same way. What is the error message?

amir safavieh
i have wallet Id , passphrase how i can transfer c...

If you have the 12 word *seed phrase* (not just the *passphrase*!), you can try to create a Shelley wallet in Yoroi and then claim/transfer the old Byron balance to it.

amir safavieh- Автор вопроса
If you have the 12 word *seed phrase* (not just th...

No. I have wallet id and pass similar this: "passphrase": "XNlcl9QbU0yOUFUWjRrcExZTlBVOnBhc", "wallet_id": "b222eaesdf69sd4f92e856478dsfsfd9ffbda6a",

amir safavieh
No. I have wallet id and pass similar this: "passp...

Yeah, well, that's not enough information to restore/import that wallet anywhere where it is not already known.

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