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Hi l have invested in algorand the price keeps falling

even now that bitcoin is up we almost near to atl is algo abandoned? should we sell? do we expect anything good? a responsible answer, it's about our money u know

5 ответов

13 просмотров

Check the whole market

Seriously. Do you follow the news? Algorand is within a select number of cryptos that has utility. When regulation comes, I am sure it will be one of the 'survivors' and not banished as a casino coin. You have just proven that people have not got the first clue what they are investing in, often guided by influencers who only look after their own bags at any given time.

MIKEOO3- Автор вопроса
General Von Klinkerhoffen
Seriously. Do you follow the news? Algorand is wi...

yes l know about the utility that's why l invested. the question is, why we fall all the time? is any plan for better marketing? is there any plan for burning? is there any plan for adoption from countries? why the lady said in the interview that we don't care about price? reasonable questions and plz reasonable answers without insulting

yes l know about the utility that's why l invested...

caring about price makes it a security. Check the lawsuit from SEC which has quoted founder of a L2 scaling solution tweeting about price

yes l know about the utility that's why l invested...

Well, nobody has a crystal ball. Token burns are just price manipulation so I wouldn't expect that from a legitimate project focussed on building and onboarding large corporates. Price is important but you have to take a long term view my friend. Invest in projects with strong fundamentals or casino coins. At least if you own ones with strong fundamentals, you have half a chance of making it. This and the likes of Hedera are founded and run by professionals who recognise the importance that open permissionless blockchains can play in transparency. Unfortunately, there are 19000 shitcoins and memes as well as bad actors dragging the space down.

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