from under 100% but how do I calculate it from the 15,571,011% for this liquidity pool WETH-LEET?
The number will go down the more people actually participate - pools have a certain amount of rewards decided by the respective projects and this rewards are fully distributed to all participants. Thus at the beginning when the amount of participants is low the amount of rewards going to each participant is very high ;)
Yea but it isn't 15mil% right? The rewards? Kinda like a glitch? Cause if I used that % in my calculations I'd be making thousands a day
It was right at that moment, because there were so few people in there - it decreased now with more people. So lets say there were 1 million tokens as rewards - on a high level if there is only 1 person in the pool he would get all the tokens (and thus such a high number), with 2 people in the pool they would split it by 2 and so on.
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