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Let'S assume that ENF and ENV are not independant. Why

do you care ? ENF has been delivering a very good job for EOS so if you are correct and they are not independant it means ENV is also likely to do a good job for EOS that is the only thing that matters.
Of course running a VC is different than ENF but at least we know that those people are not going to run away with our money like your boss did with B1. Of course
I have no information about who is leading ENV

5 ответов

12 просмотров
Musozi- Автор вопроса

@ChrisBarnes1 you didn't reply

@ChrisBarnes1 you didn't reply

I did...it was deleted, and I've been muted.

Nothing was deleted

and the comment @Musozi is referring to was from the ENF chat...which is where my response was deleted from.

I'll re-answer this though, since you've asked...no idea if this will match my first response...lol All token holders should care how token inflation is being spent. Its a direct dilution to our NAV and fundamentally impacts the direction EOS takes. The ENF is doing some things good, yes. My concerns are the apparent conflicts of interest and ethical considerations that I think far too many here are willing to overlook due to their blinding hatred towards B1. As far as what my boss did, his last move here (which was rejected) was to convert his equity in B1 into EOS tokens. If that doesn't show he was willing to go down with the ship than I don't know what does. In terms of who is leading the ENV, none of us know, and apparently we don't deserve to know...which baffles the mind to say the least. This is definitely different than my first response 😅

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