and have even entered into a contractual agreement with them. Do I have that right?
Chris is worried by the recent behavior of enf/env as an eos holder as everyone else does
No you don't have that right. I worked with B1 because they legitimately wanted to find ways to work together. I asked Yves direst questions on the fireside chat and he clearly didn't. Of course my tone was too upsetting for poor Yves though right, and therefore he wasn't able to it.
Why was github and protocol abandoned for so long? Pretty sure thats all thats needing to be said on the matter.. albeit the other things
I could only guess as to the answer of this. Generally though, I think one of the pieces we often seem to overlook as a community when reflecting on expectations of B1, are time dependencies. I think that matters...we expected instant and immediacy, while even the verbal 'commitments" were often without this consideration.
Obviously they stopped maintaining it because they expected their tentative settlement to be approved. And now that it was rejected and they’re legally vulnerable + the new class action, they realize they’re fucked. So they’re panicking to “update” the code so they can go “see, we were planning on doing this all along!!”
So a software company at the time valued more than 12bl+ usd couldnt maintain and update its repo? Thats your final.position on the matter?
No. He's just assuming they had good intentions on doing nothing .
never a final position bc there's simply way too much that I don't know. Hence only being able to guess on the answer. Bottom line do I think B1 could've done a better job, on many things...100% yes. Do I think the path forward is what matters more than the past, also 100% yes.
Isnt a lot of brains behind antelop working for b1 during that time also?
Yet you accept those unknowns from B1, but cannot tolerate unknowns from the ENF. They were both funded by token holders 🤬
So what you say makes no sense..
LOL did you ever communicate with B1? What's the background behind your statements?
Yes, and AFAIK they weren’t allowed to focus in on the public good and instead were tasked building for-profit projects like Bullish and Voice.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
b1 - Private company ENF - Non-profit That's the explanation.
Does that make sense ? I don't know.
Doesn’t matter the organization type. The same parties funded both, and expected the same from both. Also FWIW, we have far more clarity into the ENF today than we ever did with B1.
Yeah, fuck those scrappy non-profits, let's stick it to them hard! Multi-billion dollar corporations rule! /s
B1 should have been a non-profit.
Yeah, sure. Profit was the only motive. What would b1 do as a "non"- profit.
Not really but their first vc action should have been to fund a community elected foundation
It was, just for ICO investors 😬
Fund public goods and development?
Apply the funds it raised to build the technology, which kinda was the original promise.
No ser. b1 makes software and sells $4b list of names with priority.
yes and no. B1 was initially funded by us, but funding has ceased. B1 is and was a private entity and therefore my personal expectation of transparency is greatly reduced. ENF has ongoing funding based on token inflation aka token holder NAV dilution, and are a non-profit, essentially public entity. With that my corresponding expectation (as an EOS token holder) is for far great levels of transparency. I really don't think they are comparable.
yes, quite a bit actually in the negotiation and eventual execution of the 500k EOS donation to Eden. Based on my interactions B1 seemed very willing to reasonably work with me for the benefit of our community. Things changed, I assume, as they observed the response here to that gesture...which in reality all it was. The thing with initial small gestures is they can often be intended to begin something more meaningful...we never got that far.
My favorite part was when you were elected to represent the network in negotiations with B1… oh wait, that never happened. You just unilaterally signed a contract with them with zero transparency as to the terms of that contract for the rest of the community.
classic speed run.
Their entire multi billion dollar warchest was funded by the token holders. The vesting may have ceased, but that funding didn’t just go away. The fact that they are a private entity is a problem. The expectation of transparency should be just as high as anything else, if not higher. They basically ran a kickstarter, were enabled by token holders, and just like a kickstarter - their backers deserve transparency. At least with the ENF we can cease funding at any point, and there’s no massive warchest they can run off with like B1 did.
I mean if Chris wants details of the contracts coming out of the ENV, I want details on whatever contract you’re talking about with B1.
B1 is a joke. I am glad they left.
They really are. Luckily I have a steady supply of 🍿and really enjoy a good joke.
You said that b1 is private and this is bad. But ENF is public and non profit and we see that they sells tokens to DWT without any reports to the community
Don’t you see problem here?
It’s more of a point to show the hypocrisy. I honestly don’t expect to see either, but the fact that one’s being asked for and the other isn’t is absurd.
Sorry, but this not an answer
because you're not listening?
I think you even don’t understand my questions
Your willfull ignorance is no excuse
It 100% is, whether you like it or not. Not everything’s going to be public. Not everything can be public. Just like (I assume) not every detail you want to know will ever be known, not every detail of B1’s dealing is going to be known.
B1 is private. ENF is public and non profit They sells tokens to DWF for usd. Why they don’t what to tell us when who and how much
The type of organization doesn’t matter at all. Private companies can have public records, and not for profits can have private records.
Dude I don’t care if you don’t understand What is you salary?
Lol ENF is non profit and public It has value
Helios signed a contract with B1...did we need your permission for that serious are you taking yourself these days buddy? If you truly believe that all contracts should be public, especially between two completely independent, private entities, then how do you feel about ENF contracts? In terms of the donation to Eden, anyone can donate any amount of EOS they want to any account...thats generally how these permissionless blockchains work.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree on the expectations of private entities vs public. Also the token sale T&Cs said nothing about ongoing transparency from what I can recall. ENF funding can be stopped true, not easily though...15/21 required now to change that vs what should've been 7/21 IMO.
meet in the middle 11/21
I actually don't expect to see ENF contracts. I get what NDA's are and how they are almost always involved in any meaningful relationship. That being said there is still an opportunity for some sort of disclosure to satisfy the "trust but verify" perspective that many token holders have.
The holders have to benefit. Thats what the ecosystem is. B1 failed. Now there is a new and real foundation.
I think I agree for the most part in that there is an opportunity to improve transparency. Everything that’s been demanded in this channel during discussions in the past 24 hours? Probably not… but more information in general to make sure all is good? Probably, I expect we’ll be getting more and hopefully it satisfies most. I’m going to bet whatever we do get though won’t be good enough for some and this cycle continues, despite the best intentions of everyone involved.
Or just a announcement of the announcement for a date for transparancy
I’m just so tired of seeing toxicity brought alongside that dissatisfaction. I fully expect not everyone to be satisfied, but I would expect those not satisfied to at least try and listen to reason and attempt to understand why things end up they way they do - rather than just immediately being toxic towards the people involved and speculating wildly. It happens constantly in here, from almost all sides. It sucks watching multiple parties you respect, disrespect each other like this.
On point. We should act time less.
its entirely The thing with transparency, as in most things in life, is it lives on a spectrum. Right now some of us feel we're too far to one side, and are hoping it can be improved.
What side do u represent?
there are no sides when we are trying to be one community.
But it's an open network..
Sorry but this is stupid. You expect more from ENF funded with only 49M$ until today than B1 funded with 4B$ ICO they stole + millions on free EOS given by the network. Your logic is just below average.
if my logic is below average then your comprehension is in a similar state. What i expect more of from the ENF has nothing to do with funding limitations.
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