209 похожих чатов

@Koutelier what is "comet" in greek?

11 ответов

12 просмотров


Aberg- Автор вопроса

how is it read? kom*t** idk the *s

Aberg- Автор вопроса
Which i is long?

Google translate bro

Aberg- Автор вопроса
Koutelier || WONT DM
Google translate bro

Bro I have a true greek to ask, what would i use google wrongtranslate for

Aberg- Автор вопроса
/t 1000 komitis

@mewtoshi I do not support komitis (yet) make sure you use one of the tokens listed below. Supported coins/tokens: - Erg - SigUSD - SigRSV and so on and so forth... Full token list can be found here: https://github.com/Luivatra/ergotipper-tokens

/t 1000 komitis

<chris45new> I want to kiss the bot

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