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Well it's probably a kick for a dev to

make something that FBI, CIA, NASA use sure, I get that and it does give them a career in work and support packages and writing new code.... but is there any reason for token holders to be here? other than staking and governance? This whole web3 give back to token holders, IOT pay for Micro transactions, big companies pay for data metrics seems to be a pipe dream.

1 ответов

6 просмотров

Response from concern team . but it's inconceivable to add fees to a network almost nobody uses in production yet, where half the features don't work or are incorrectly documented. W3bstream is not yet finished, its still in development. The latest release is called the Devnet for a reason... There will be fees for sure as I mentioned previously we need bit more time and bit more stress test. We're still in web3 so token holders is a owner off the protocol (both)

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