209 похожих чатов

Looks really promising! Looking at the roadmap everything is defined as

an abstract like “unlocking sustainable business models through the power of Web3 and a.I. “ which is absolutely great of course , but for me as an absolute outsider hard to understand what that actually concretely means (manifested in something we could see or hear)

I am very curious when anything will be realized in a concrete sense. Can we expect Bosch products in the shops that actually have technology on board that is developed by Fetch.ai ?

1 ответов

20 просмотров

1. The business model questions has a two fold answer. a) In the typical corporate model - a group of shareholders accumulate all the profit - in the web3 model network participants accrue value. b) In the typical corporate model everything including software is private - in the web3 model most of it is open-source. Even closed source code bases end up public after some time. The new business models at hand are a combination of a) Shared value accrual b) Connected (particularly at the edges) companies, including the technology. For example sharing machine performance data among each other to strengthen the model's overall output. c) Shared value accrual (as opposed to the typical one we've all seen)

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