209 похожих чатов

How big of a problem is a jailed validator that

you have staked your FET with ?

I am just reading an article on this that is about staking in Cosmos


They describe how you can re-delegate in Keplr. Is that possible in the Fetch wallet too ?

3 ответов

21 просмотр

Yes. You can redelegate with Fetch wallet.

Bold Frog- Автор вопроса
Antrix Validators
Yes. You can redelegate with Fetch wallet.

Ok , well I might be doing something wrong ? If I follow the procedure they describe for Keplr, I can’t do that on the Fetch wallet . Can you tell me how to do that ? 1 Click the “Stake” button in Keplr or your wallet. A new tab or window will open up in your browser. 2 Then click “Manage–>” next to your current jailed validator. A pop up box opens and “Redelegate” is the second option. Step 1 I can follow . I can’t see the manage option from step 2 though. Now I don’t have a jailed validator (yet) so maybe that’s why I don’t see what they describe. I would assume something like “manage” would be there even when a validator is not jailed as it sounds quite general

Bold Frog
Ok , well I might be doing something wrong ? If I ...

First you need to deactivate Keplr wallet. Then click on the Stake button. You should see a list of validators that you can stake with.

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