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Have anyone ever tried building a wallet with a built

in browser for ergo
or at least some kindof mobile wallet connector ?

22 ответов

14 просмотров

A browser in the wallet? Why would you want that? Tx history? Mobile wallet, nautilus and Minotaur all have their own version of in-app dApps too

hello Papa glasgow how are you?

Yulius Kristianto @LBRY
hello Papa glasgow how are you?

Sir I’m not your dad, your mum just makes a great breakfast

Michael- Автор вопроса
Glasgow|WON’T DM
A browser in the wallet? Why would you want that? ...

1- it gives some kind of secure feeling 2- you can sign on the same dapp screen without checking you input output million time 3- ergopay is centralized , mosaik is centralized 4- almost all mobile wallet has it now 5- why not

1- it gives some kind of secure feeling 2- you can...

I do not understand the ergopay is centralized thing. Feels like people are just parroting stuff

1- it gives some kind of secure feeling 2- you can...

4. I’m not sure what you mean - what wallet has it so I can have a look? Minotaur is probably closest to what you’re describing, has ‘DApp support: Any dApp can embed directly in app. we currently create two dapp. one for issue token and one for sigma-usd.’ And on the roadmap ‘Dynamic DApp setup: We're working to generate a dynamic protocol to add new dApp to wallet without an update. Minotaur dApp connector extension for chrome and firefox support’ - From the team behind Rosen & Raffle

Michael- Автор вопроса
I do not understand the ergopay is centralized thi...


Michael- Автор вопроса

Yes, my point exactly :) ergopay is not centralised.

Michael- Автор вопроса
Glasgow|WON’T DM
4. I’m not sure what you mean - what wallet has it...

why all dapp need to create 3 - 4 integration ? desktop, mobile , wallet , mozaik...

Michael- Автор вопроса
why all dapp need to create 3 - 4 integration ? de...

It’s just dApp connector or ergopay, Mosaik is something else but works with ergopay

than apparently i am a parrot

Thing just is that dapps that use ergopay are accessed on a website hosted by some server. This same server serves the ergopay tx. Only case that is centralised is if the code is closed source and impossible to run locally

Michael- Автор вопроса
can't QR be minipulated ?

It would show in the wallet app, and if you run it locally it shouldnt be manipulated

Thing just is that dapps that use ergopay are acce...

<cafebedouin> Depends what you mean by centralized. For the average user, if you have to go to Spectrum to do a swap, what's the difference in also using ErgoPay? Probably none. But, let's frame it a different way. Would you want to build a dApp that was only accessible via Ergopay? Would it be good, for example, if every transaction with the SigUSD app had to go through a single Ergopay server? I think that looks a little different. I think the Mixer is the ideal set-up. In an ideal world, I could run everything locally. Ergopay kind of breaks that paradigm, but it is doing it to give important functionality, so as always, there are trade-offs to consider.

<cafebedouin> Depends what you mean by centralized...

Why does it have to go through a single ergopay server?

Why does it have to go through a single ergopay se...

<cafebedouin> For the SigUSD bank, it doesn't. But, it seems possible that you could set-up a dApp that way, or do not understand how Ergopay works? For example, are there backups to Spectrum's Ergopay server to interact with their contracts?

<cafebedouin> For the SigUSD bank, it doesn't. But...

The "ergopay server" just serves a reduced unsigned transaction. If all is open source this can be ran locally as well

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