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Hi! Can anyone help me? I staked 2 LP tokens

since yesterday, but nothing earned. What do I do wrong?

21 ответов

3 просмотра

Please check if the LP is inactive.

Vovo- Автор вопроса
Vovo- Автор вопроса
active . But still no cakes

If it’s active please stake them in farm to earn cakes.

active . But still no cakes

Would you mind sending screenshot of farms page?

active . But still no cakes

You need to check Farms tab to see your CAKE earned

Vovo- Автор вопроса

yes. I've already staked successfully. And it took about 5 min to earn some cake. But after that I staked again and it is being staking for a whole day already and still no cake(

yes. I've already staked successfully. And it took...

Maybe it went inactive most of the time after you staked and could’ve become active again when the price fell back into the range which you set.

Vovo- Автор вопроса
But thanks for trying to help

No worries, keep observing. If the LP is active and staked cake will be earned. No issue with that 👍🏽

Vovo- Автор вопроса
🥞 Chan! Minny 🇮🇳 || WILL NEVER DM FIRST
No worries, keep observing. If the LP is active an...

Still nothing. It's always active for 3 days. Didn't see any moment of inactivity. But still 0 cake (( It's time to change Dex seemingly

Still nothing. It's always active for 3 days. Didn...

It works fine, no such complaints received. What’s your wallet address? Let me check.

Vovo- Автор вопроса

Rewards are generating. Nothing to worry. Wait for a while to accumulate more and then claim.

Vovo- Автор вопроса
Vovo- Автор вопроса

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