212 похожих чатов

Hello, any ideas why my cake-LP is not displayed on

Liquidity page? I've recently removed v2 LPs from a farm and cannot unpack it

20 ответов

19 просмотров

Unstake your LP tokens from the farm you in. Then do this to get your tokens from liquidity pool. > Menu > Trade > Liquidity > Choose the position you want to remove > Select the amount to remove and press "remove" > approve > confirm If your liquidity is not found, then check V2 > Find other LP tokens > Select the tokens (you may need to use the contract address to search for your token) > BACK button > Click on the liquidity shown > remove > max > approve > confirm


You need to migrate from V2 to V3. Please read this https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/readme/v3-v2-migration/migration/migrate-your-stakings

🥞 Chan! Minny 🇮🇳 || WILL NEVER DM FIRST
You need to migrate from V2 to V3. Please read thi...

Sorry for reviving old topic. Help required to migrate to v3. As in the migration helper my old staking is nowhere to be found. But I can still see in my safepal DeFi wallet that I still have 1 Pancakeswap pool.

Sorry for reviving old topic. Help required to mig...

give transaction you stake or wallet address to check, mate

Sorry for reviving old topic. Help required to mig...

Here is a guide https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/readme/v3-v2-migration/migration/migrate-your-stakings


connect your wallet with this link https://v1-farms.pancakeswap.finance/pools, and you can find your cake pool here

Thru DM ya?

but before unstaking, please check if your wallet is safe, do not approve scam contract, if yes, please revoke

yes, mate

How to check ?


How to check ?

ah, use bscscan

How to check ?

You can revoke your approved smart contracts by following this guide!

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