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From which pool?


iPhone 14 ProMax- Автор вопроса
iPhone 14 ProMax
Fixed pool

Click on “convert to flexible” and then unstake from the flexible pool.

True but after the unlock you can withdraw.

Yeah I was like did pancake added a new feature that let to unlock cake before

🥞 Chan! Minny 🇮🇳 || WILL NEVER DM FIRST
No 😁

Okk I also messed up when pancake introduce after burn as i was staking with you guys before & forgot 1yr was completed bz of afterburn i burnt 10 or something Cake 😅😢

Okk I also messed up when pancake introduce after...

There is a weekly token burn every Monday/Tuesday (NO SPECIFIC TIME). Read about the emission rate and deflationary mechanics here: CAKE Tokenomics

Chan both of them said.. they still can't message ...

Yes, even if I unban they’ll have a restriction duration set by anti spam bot. They can message only after that designated time.

🥞 Chan! Minny 🇮🇳 || WILL NEVER DM FIRST
Oh well that’s sad :(

Yeah but now I keep tabs for it when will my staking will complete so that i can stake again

Okay mam... Can I send a twitter link here.. I posted a video related to pancakeswap in my twitter 😁

🥞 Chan! Minny 🇮🇳 || WILL NEVER DM FIRST
Sure you can send it 🫶

Can I send a youtube link.. because twitter will take so much time.. I tried best to upload.. but couldn't 😢.. Is that prohibited to share youtube link here?

🥞 Chan! Minny 🇮🇳 || WILL NEVER DM FIRST
Sure you can send it.

Youtube link ? Sure mam.. I just don't wanna ban.. that's why asking again

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